
There’s freedom in living your standards

There’s freedom in living your standards

Our freedom lies beyond social norms and the fear of what other people (might) think. 

It’s so important to be true to our own standards, dreams and aspirations.

We’re wired for survival, so the perceived importance of other people’s opinions can be overwhelming.
With that said, we can actively do the work to find out who we really are, what we really like, what and whom are making us thrive, and then use mental discipline to move ourselves in the right direction and not into the trap of conforming to the perceived version of us.

Not letting other people tell us what we should do.

Meaning; going for creation, joy, freedom, love, connection and the right kind of challenges that make up our way.
Empty ourselves from how we should look like and instead go all in on living our lives from the core of our true spirit.  

That’s a DECISION first. Then it’s about discipline to actually live your standards, no matter where you are.
No matter who you’re with.

We at LYS can’t be more thrilled to walk with you through life.
Being/walking/standing next to you when you are working, thinking, learning, asking, and trying to figure yourself out. 

And then, when you know who you are, really embrace being YOU. No matter situation.

Real growth, true meaning, will start when you learn how to let go of the noise from society, media, and other people’s opinion, and really turn in to who you are.

Align your actions and what you cherish with your heart, soul and native purpose.

That’s real work.

The most meaningful work you can do.

But you need to be disciplined in your own mind to actively guide yourself toward your best self. Create your own standards and be disciplined in living them and following the subtle whispers from the divine, guiding you in your true direction. 

That’s freedom.


Photography by
Marcus Falk Olander

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